Posts in Burnout
Unlocking Leadership Potential: How ADHD Manifests in Executive Leaders

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is often misunderstood, especially in high-performing individuals. While it’s estimated that 4-6% of people in the U.S. have ADHD, research suggests that 1 in 5 c-suite executives may have undiagnosed ADHD. Why? Because the very traits of ADHD often align with qualities that drive success in leadership roles . . .

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How to stop working until 11pm at night (by radically accepting your limits)

As a neurodivergent entrepreneur or executive, you may often find yourself working late into the night. Your brain doesn't always follow the typical "9-to-5" rhythm. There’s a unique, internal drive that pushes you to keep going long after conventional work hours have ended. For many neurodivergent professionals, this late-night focus can feel like a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you're ultra-productive; on the other, this pace often leads to burnout, fatigue, and the erosion of personal well-being . . .

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4 Reasons Why ADHD Entrepreneurs + Executives are at higher-risk of Burnout

Entrepreneurs and executives with ADHD often face unique challenges in the workplace that can put them at higher risk for burnout. While ADHD can come with traits that foster creativity, innovation, and resilience, it also presents certain hurdles that can drain energy, reduce productivity, and take a toll on mental and physical health. In this post, we’ll explore four key reasons why ADHD entrepreneurs and executives are more susceptible to burnout, and why understanding these factors is crucial for maintaining long-term well-being and success

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How to start your day stress-free

As working women, or working people, we are so vulnerable to burning out, because we are bombarded with stress and stimulation constantly. And it starts, for many of us, literally from the moment we wake up. For many of us, we literally wake up in a stress state; and if we start our day from a place of stress, it increases the likelihood that stress will follow us throughout our day.

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Are you saying "no" enough?

If you’re a highly sensitive person, a perfectionist with high-functioning anxiety, or just a person of high-integrity who knows how to get things done . . . You're so used to being the one who makes it happen, that you take on more than you need to out of habit. And people know to look to you for problem-solving, so you tend to be the go-to person when something goes wrong. Plus, you feel guilty saying "no," because you know what you are capable of, and you also want to make a difference in people's lives!

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