How to make better decisions

(your mindset matters + you're probably doing it wrong)

As a burnt-out woman in business, you have 10,000 things to do and never enough time. this pushes your nervous system into overdrive, and you're always in "go" mode.

But, operating from this mindset hurts you more than it helps you.


Because it causes you to run your business + live your life on autopilot, rather than from a place of Intention.

And INTENTIONAL decision-making is A MILLION TIMES MORE VALUABLE than reactive decision-making.

Start using your Wise Mind for daily decision-making, and start seeing your

efforts pay off with much-less suffering.

Too often, we make decisions from our Rational Mind OR our Emotional Mind. Today, I want you to start focusing on being Rational AND Emotional (instead of being in one or the other).

Here's how to start using your Wise Mind, to drive your decision making

1. STOP being Rational OR Emotional, and start being BOTH.

Have you ever pushed-through something hard, and really focused on what you "should" be doing, only to notice that the next day you have no energy to spare, and you can't BARE to tackle that to-do list item you've been starting at for weeks (or months?). That's because you're only thinking about what makes sense, instead of also honoring what you want for yourself, your business, and your family. On the flip-side, when you're burnt-out, your Emotional Mind becomes like a kid throwing a temper tantrum. It wants more help, less hard work, and way more fun. And so you end up lounging around being lazy, or starting at your phone all day, and then feeling really guilty about it later. Instead of being Emotional OR Rational about our work, we need to learn how to be Emotional AND Rational. We need to learn to focus on what makes sense, just as much as what makes us feel good. This is the secret ingredient to burnout-proofing yourself in your work.

Action item: Think of your Wise Mind like a muscle that you have to train.

The more you use it, the stronger it will become, and the easier you will find it to make WISE decisions about your business + your life. Practice asking your Wise Mind questions throughout the week, and noticing what your Rational Mind says, what your Emotional mind says, and then waiting for the WISE MIND response (this is the one you want to listen to).

Here are some Wise Mind questions to practice using this week:

  1. How do I want to spend my work-day today?

  2. What is MOST important for me to attend to in my business RIGHT NOW?

  3. How can I make my business (or work life) everything I want it to be, without burning myself out?

  4. What's something I can let go of right now?

Have more questions about how to use your Wise Mind to protect yourself from burnout? Drop me an email + ask.

You can also watch the Week 3 replay of my Burnout to Balance Masterclass, where I provided free virtual coaching on Wise Mind and answered questions about how to apply this to high-functioning anxiety.